Unit 1 Review Science You Will Use the Three
Unit 1: Introduction to Systems Thinking – What is a Organisation?
This unit introduces systems and systems thinking. The unit is easily adaptable to whatsoever course and includes an introduction of terminology, motivation for using systems thinking, and exercise reading, likewise every bit interpreting and evaluating systems diagrams. Notation that an Internet connexion and speakers are required to play the audio file in Part 3.
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Learning Goals
- Students will be able to define systems terminology (such as open and closed system, reservoir, flux, and feedback loop).
- Students will be able to read and interpret simple systems diagrams.
- Students will exist able evaluate a given diagram's appropriateness for a written description of a organisation.
Context for Utilise
The unit is intended for use in a course or module for which systems thinking is critical to the goals of the form or module. The examples used are general enough to be used with nigh any course. This unit can stand alone or be used at any point during a course to help promote systems thinking.
Description and Teaching Materials
Materials for this introductory unit are included in the following PowerPoint: Introductory System Slides (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 82kB Oct11 xvi) (likewise available as a PDF (Acrobat (PDF) 523kB Oct11 16)). An Internet connectedness is needed to admission the radio piece in Part 3.
Part 1. Cognition surveys and introduction to systems thinking (5–10 min)
The instructor begins form with a knowledge survey about systems diagrams. Students will complete the aforementioned survey at the start and end of class, which will allow them (and you, the instructor) to reflect on their progress.
a) Slides ane–3: Begin course with a knowledge survey
Then, the instructor gives students a curt introduction to systems thinking.
b) Slide four: Prompt students to work individually to describe a bathtub in two–four consummate sentences.
Office ii. Motivation for studying systems thinking and The Bathtub System (10 min)
Slides 5–16: The instructor defines systems terms visually using a bathtub equally a system and and so shows examples of why systems thinking is important.
Incomplete systems diagram in Pupil Handout. Students modify this diagram based on a news story.
Provenance: Lisa Gilbert, Cabrillo College
Reuse: This detail is offered under a Creative Eatables Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/three.0/ You may reuse this item for non-commercial purposes as long every bit you lot provide attribution and offer any derivative works under a similar license.
Part 3. Case of a system, using systems terminology (20 min)
a) Slide 17: The teacher plays the offset ii minutes of the Minnesota Public Radio slice linked inside the PowerPoint. The instructor asks students to list influences on climate. So, at slide eighteen, with a partner, students should sort their listing of influences into fluxes, reservoirs, and feedbacks. To access audio file:
- An MP3 file can be downloaded in advance, or
- Audio played on via some browsers at this link: Is climate change fueling more wild fires?.
b) Slide 19: The instructor prompts students to work with a partner to respond the post-obit on the Pupil Handout for Evaluating a Arrangement Diagram Activity (Microsoft Give-and-take 2007 (.docx) 97kB Jul15 15) (also available as a PDF (Acrobat (PDF) 69kB Jul5 xvi)):
- Does the diagram fully represent the complication of the system described past the speaker? If not, add together to the diagram.
c) Slide 20–21: The instructor leads a discussion about possible answers to prompt.
Function 4. Expanding the simple bathtub (10–15 min)
Slide 22: The instructor prompts students to describe a diagram of their bathtub at dwelling house and utilise systems vocabulary to explain in a paragraph how information technology works. How is your bathtub different from the simple open system bathtub nosotros imagined in form? Using systems vocabulary, write a paragraph to explain the differences. The instructor leads a class give-and-take and wrap-up.
Slide 23: Repeat the knowledge survey.
Draw the bathtub equally a arrangement. Example of ideas from xviii different students compiled into one diagram.
Provenance: deborah gross, Carleton College
Reuse: This particular is offered under a Artistic Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/ You lot may reuse this item for not-commercial purposes every bit long every bit you provide attribution and offer any derivative works under a similar license.
Stop of class assessment
Teaching Notes and Tips
Many of these terms, including feedback loops, take equivalents in economics, math, and other fields. We have chosen the terms we believe are about common in the natural sciences and concur with Kastens (2010)' World and Listen web log post on her selection of reinforcing and balancing feedback loops (in identify of positive and negative feedback loops). For teacher reference and to requite to students, many systems terms are defined here: Systems Thinking Glossary (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 19kB Dec5 xiv); likewise bachelor as a PDF (Acrobat (PDF) 93kB Jun21 16)).
Knowledge Surveys
The showtime/end of grade assessments can be done with any size class in less than a minute. The assessments can be done on paper or with clickers, but information technology is important for students to reverberate on both their final confidence rating and the difference between their initial and terminal ratings. If students only write their ratings in their notes, enquire for a show of hands virtually how many people went up 1 level or more.
Video alternative to audio
Should an teacher prefer to utilise a video in place of the MPR audio, a like-length video provides a reasonable alternative: How Wildfires Affect Climate YouTube video from Michigan Engineering. The teacher would need to slightly modify the student handout (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 97kB Jul15 15) and PowerPoint file for alignment with the video.
References and Resources
Systems Thinking Glossary (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 19kB Dec5 xiv)
Additional background on Earth Systems Thinking: Complex Earth Systems, from Bringing Enquiry on Learning to the Geosciences
Relevant Images/Concepts within other InTeGrate Modules:
- InTeGrate "Climates of Change" Module, Unit 5 systems @play
- InTeGrate "Exploring Geoscience Methods" Module Unit 2, Action ii.2 (encounter Pace vii)
- Concept maps in InTeGrate: "Humans' Dependence on Earth's Mineral Resource"
Other Systems Diagrams:
This certificate Examples of Systems Diagrams (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 14kB Sep29 16) (also bachelor as a PDF (Acrobat (PDF) 99kB Sep29 16)) includes a not-comprehensive list of freely-bachelor systems diagrams for a diversity of geoscience-relevant systems. The diagrams are presented at a multifariousness of levels and are provided in case the teacher wishes to provide students with a diagram for a class consignment, or for other uses on a case-by-example ground.
Dynamic Visualization:
Many freely-available tools for creating systems diagrams, or causal loop diagrams, include the option to animate, such as LOOPY. An example of how to introduce LOOPY is explained in Visualizing Systems .
These materials are function of a collection of classroom-tested modules and courses adult past InTeGrate. The materials engage students in understanding the earth arrangement as it intertwines with key societal issues. The collection is freely available and ready to be adapted by undergraduate educators across a range of courses including: general pedagogy or majors courses in Earth-focused disciplines such as geoscience or ecology science, social science, engineering, and other sciences, equally well as courses for interdisciplinary programs.
Explore the Collection »
Source: https://serc.carleton.edu/integrate/teaching_materials/syst_thinking/unit1.html
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